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Ceremomy for the Passing of a Pet
This Ceremony is dedicated to my beloved cat Wally who passed to Summerland this past October/94.
Supplies You will Need:
  • three candles - one purple*, one white* & one black*
  • holy water
  • stalks of fresh mint*
  • your pet's favorite food/toy/item. I chose milk as Wally always loved to drink the remaining milk from our cereal bowls.

* Purple is the colour associated with the dead.

* The black and white candles represent darkness into light. Death and rebirth.

* Mint is used to banish negative energy and provides protection for the spirit during his or her journey to Summerland.

This ritual may be performed at a location of your choice. I performed my ceremony out doors at the location of burial however this may not be practical or even possible for you. There is no right or wrong choice here and always remember that your pet will be with you no matter where you choose to honour him or her.

  • Place the candles on the altar (white-purple-black) along with the other items.
  • Lightly crush the mint in your hand.
  • Dip the mint leaves in the holy water and sprinkle around the area in a clockwise direction.
  • Return to the altar and sprinkle the candles (avoiding the wicks).
  • Light the candles.
  • Close your eyes and think about your pet being happy in an environment that he or she loved.
  • Know that your pet is safe and happy in the arms of the Goddess.
  • Open your eyes and affirm: " I love you and I release you to the happy and loving place where your spirit belongs."
  • Put out the candles.
  • Bury mint, candle remains and milk (favorite food/toy/item).


This ceremony is an adaptation of "A Simple Ceremony for the Passing of a Pet" found in "Solitary Witch: The Ultimate Book of Shadows for the New Generation." by Silver Ravenwolf. 


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